4 Ways Spiritual Development Can Combat Against Anxiety

4 Ways Spiritual Development Can Combat Against Anxiety

It wasn’t until I was 26 years old and in graduate school until I learned that I have been struggling with anxiety for the majority of my life. For some reason I thought anxiety was someone hyperventilating in a brown paper bag which was really ignorant for me to believe. I was enrolled in Mental Health Counseling and I was reviewing the different diagnoses that fall within the anxiety spectrum of disorders which I came face to face with my life changing epiphany…. I’m an anxious woman.

What does an anxious woman look like?

Here’s a plot twist… I saw my first discarnate Spirit at the age of 6 meaning that I am a medium. I have the ability to communicate with former living beings. I don’t like the word ghosts, Spirit, to be correct. It’s terrifying to hear unintelligible voices while laying down in bed alone and it’s literally nerve racking every time I saw Spirit because I never knew when another experience would happen. Looking back I now notice the signs of my anxiety related to my observance of the paranormal:

1. Fast heartbeat

Whenever I would feel a message from Spirit coming through or had a “feeling” about  something it would bring me high anxiety, so high that all I could do was cry because I didn’t know what happening to me. Not having someone to talk to about your symptoms of anxiety seems to intensifies it.

2. Constantly worried about future events

“What if’s” are the perfect example to illustrate this symptom.  The occurrence of “what if’s” a major concern of people who struggle with anxiety. The issue with this is that when we’re focused on the what if’s we’re missing from the present because we’re too busy focused on the future.

3. Never wanting to sleep with the door open

My nightly worries were focused on whether or not I would hear or see something during the night. I would always feel something looking at me from the doorway every time my bedroom door stayed open at night. Even to this day I prefer to sleep with my door shut. Rumination, the act of constantly thinking of something will keep someone up throughout the night.


Let’s get to the 4 ways that spiritual development can help you to combat your anxiety:


1. You a psychic, medium, or both.

If you’re like me then experiencing spiritual phenomena such as hearing voices (nothing confirming you have super human powers or that you are a God, if so I suggest you seek help immediately), seeing things out of the corner of your eyes or literally right in front of you, sensing energy and other people’s emotions, or dreaming about events that come true or being visited by loved ones in Spirit while you sleep. That shit can be pretty nerve-racking if you don’t understand what’s happening and you have no one to talk to about it. It can feel like you are literally going crazy in the cabeza….. you’re not. You just need help understanding your environment and how to gain control of it.


2. You’re an empath.

When I was younger I worked at this shit job which made the situation even worse to endure, anyways, I thought for sure I had developed a bladder infection. I was urinating frequently which is a tell tale symptom of a bladder infection so I went to the doctor to get checked out and to get antibiotics. I was confused when all of my tests came back negative, I didn’t have a bladder infection. I couldn’t understand it because I definitely had the symptoms. Having to pee every 10 minutes is not normal, right…? So not long after my appointment I went to the bathroom and one of my co-worker joined me at the sink. She told me that she had a bladder infection that turned into a kidney infection and she  was telling me how much pain she was in. Immediately after hearing this all of my symptoms stopped. Just like that, abracadabra I was healed. This is a classic example of being an empath and taking in energy from others. Ever wonder why you always get anxious when you get around a certain individual or you feel the tension of a room where an argument just took place, well it’s because you have the ability of clairsentience, the ability to clearly feel energy.

3. Learning how to meditate and ground.

Often times when we feel anxiety it’s because one, you’re not in the present and are too focused on the future and second, you’re unbalanced. I am guilty of this as well, which is why I’m writing about anxiety and spirituality, this can be conquered! I digress…. two weeks ago  I was suffering from symptoms of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) and my anxiety was on 100 for over a week. I spoke to a friend of mine at work and she asked if I wanted to go on a walk outside. We found a sunny patch of grass where she suggested that we take our socks and shoes off and plant our feet on the ground. Yo, no lie, immediately as my feet touched the ground I felt all of my anxiety draw away from me. I felt my energy straightening out and I became calm. All I needed to do was reconnect with nature, whaddya know.

4. Use protection stones.

Crystals are elements of the Earth that assist in energy healing and balancing. I know a lot of folks who prefer to carry stones in their pockets or around the necks to help protect and balance their energy, so what could it not work for anxiety too, it can! Crystals are not my specific forte so I found a great article here that you can read to familiarize yourself with crystals that directly treat anxiety. I personally like to carry Black Tourmaline to help me ease the anxs.


Well there you go, I reviewed a few symptoms of anxiety along with 4 ways to use spiritual development to help you exacerbate it.

If you would like more information about how to develop spiritually, I have created a program specifically directed towards understanding your innate spiritual gifts that naturally tend to cause anxiety. Click on the picture and check it out below!

Spiritual Development Program Flyer



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